Hello to all my wonderful supporters

8/14/2020 12:01:35 PM

     Hello to all my wonderful supporters, First I pray all is well with each and everyone of you. well about me for the past week has been pretty boring. A normal day for me at Homestead C.I .
     I wake up every morning at 6:45am i take a shower then depending on if breakfast is brought i’ll eat and if not i will just have a cup of coffee. From there i will decide if i will put on makeup.
     Oh let me tell you all we are on a lockdown where we are only allowed to go outside once a week.So for the most part we are stuck inside unless we have call outs or if we have to work. Unfortunately the job i have has not been open since the whole covid 19 pandemic started. If you did not already know i am working on getting my GED but inmate’ said school should be back opened really soon i hope.
     Since i currently have a lot of free time i do a lot of reading and studying i also look over my case a lot. You are probably wondering what i am studying well the first thing is Cosmetology I want to learn how to do hair and makeup. I have a plan once i get the chance to get out i want to work in a hair salon.Once i get my license id love to own my own hair salon.
     I also have been studying Spanish.I never new how hard learning a new language would be.
     Well ladies and gentleman that is what a typical week at Homestead looks like for me.
Now let me give you the out look on prison all i am going to say is i would not wish this on my worse enemy.

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