Get In Touch

Mee, Jennifer, 156276
PO BOX 23608
Tampa, FL 33623

Tell us what you think

We need to get the word out about Jennifer Mee and the first step is to have contact. We would like to hear from you, your thoughts and comments on Jennifer’s case. We welcome any constructive comments no matter how big or small. Maybe it’s a simple message of support, a suggestion on how we could do better or an offer of practical help (legal or otherwise), we would like to hear from you.

Unfortunately the direct contact form is temporarily unavailable. More information can be found at Jennifer’s Facebook page by clicking on the links above. Also, feel free to write to Jennifer directly, she would love to hear from you. Jennifer enjoys writing and meeting new people so it would be a great opportunity to get to know each other. Sometimes the greatest gift is a kind word.

You can write to Jennifer Mee directly at the address on this page or through the Securus link  (note: Securus access may be limited to US residence at this time. If you are overseas and would like to buy stamps to send Jennifer an email, you can join Jpay and connect your account to your Securus account. You can buy stamps on the Jpay app which will automatically be transferred to your Securus account. Hopefully Securus will update their system soon to include overseas payments.)

So however you decide to get in touch, with us or directly with Jennifer, we can right this wrong together.

Also, get involved with Society-First to find other practical ways to change minimum sentencing guidelines and parole in Florida which is condemning 1000s like Jennifer to a life in prison with no hope of release.

As part of the campaign to free Jennifer, we support Society-First. A grassroots organisation dedicated to sentencing reform in Florida and to end mass incarceration in America.

To find out more click here

“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice”   Abraham Lincoln

Jennifer Mee FREE

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